Monday, April 26, 2010

A Little Clarification Please...

So I am realizing that as a new mom, I am going to have a lot of questions. So, I will be heavily relying on my faithful blog readers to help me figure this stuff out. The first question came up today as I was sorting through all of the clothes that we have already been blessed with. Here's the question:

Why are some clothes labeled 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, etc. while others just say 3 months or 6 months....and as I'm sorting the clothes should I put the 6 month clothes with the 3-6 month stuff or 6-9 month stuff? I know this probably doesn't matter to most, but my OCD tendencies create within me the need to have everything in perfect size order. So, help me, please!!! My mom gave me a great suggestion, but I just wondered what everyone else thought and if I'm the only one who wishes they would just use the same method to size everything!


Anonymous said...

Having OCD tendencies as well, I was freaked out over the same issues. But it doesn't matter, because there's no guarantee he'll fit in his age clothing anyway. Put the 6 mo. clothes between the 3-6 and the 6-9 and just fit accordingly. You won't care once he's here and you've got piles and piles of laundry. you'll be so tired you won't even fold/hang the clothes. They'll just be in piles around the house ;)

If you need anymore clothes, please come raid Eli's 2nd closet.

Jason and Rachel said...

I agree with Nicole. Just put them between the other brackets. In all honesty, different lines of clothing will fit differently and Carter might be wearing one outfit that says "6 months" when he's actually 6 months and another brand that says 6 months he might wear when he's 8 months, etc. I understand your OCD. I went through it too. But Nicole is also right when she says you won't care, nor have time to deal with it, once Carter arrives! Love ya!