Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Well, we had a different kind of Easter this year, but it wasn't so bad. One of the hardest parts of being on a church staff is that we can't always be with our family on the holidays. Easter has always been a favorite holiday of mine. I think it's mostly because it doesn't come with all of the stress that often accompanies other holidays. We used to always dye Easter eggs at my Granny's house the Saturday before and then on Easter we had a huge Easter lunch with all our aunts, uncles, and cousins and then we usually had an Easter egg hunt. My memories are of eating lunch at my Granny's but hunting eggs at my Aunt Linda', I'm not sure which is right. But, the memories all include being with family.

This year, we had to be "grown ups" and do our own thing. Saturday morning we had our church Easter egg hunt which was a huge success despite the rain that came and went all morning.

Saturday night, we invited some friends over for Easter lunch and thankfully they accepted . We had some yummy honey baked ham from Jucy's, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, deviled eggs, fried okra and fruit pizza for dessert. The day was absolutely beautiful and we were able to have all the windows open with a nice breeze flowing through the house.

We ended our day with a drive down the Kentucky Scenic Pkwy between Frankfort and Lexington. We saw some gorgeous horse farms and had a lot of fun! We ended up eating dinner at Tony Carinos and then coming home and crashing. It was a pretty good day.

So, I guess I will survive being a grown up. But, I'll be honest...there was a little something missing from the day and I am pretty sure it was my family. But, when you have grown up in a loving family like mine, it's hard to replace that feeling!

I'll leave you with a pic of me in my Easter outfit. It was nothing fancy considering the growing baby bulge, but it worked for the day! (on a side note...we have a great camera, but for some reason we insist on taking pics with our phones. what is up with that???)

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