Saturday, July 24, 2010

We Made it Home!

Aren't I a handsome boy?! Well, we came home from the hospital last Sunday and have been having so much fun at home! We went to the doctor on Wednesday and found out that I am almost back to my birth weight, so we were excited about that!

This is our first family picture at our home.
Yaya helped us get home from the hospital and then got to stay with us until Tuesday! We were sad to see her go so soon, but then....
Grandaddy and Grandmommy got to come and stay for the rest of the week!
On Wednesday we got a surprise visit from my Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Jan!So, overall we have had a whirlwind of a week! I have gotten lots of cuddles and snuggles and might even sleep through the night if mommy would stop waking me up to feed me and change my diaper! Grandmommy and Grandaddy just left, so mommy and daddy are on their own! I hope they don't fall apart without anyone here to help them!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome Baby Carter!

Here are a few pictures of Carter! Enjoy!

Elli, Carter's big cousin, holding him! She is a great big cousin!
Carter and his momma!
A closeup of the superstar! He weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 21 in long!

If all goes well, we should get to go home tomorrow (Sunday)! We can't wait!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Come on Carter!

Well, we are going to be 39 weeks tomorrow and still no indication that Carter is anywhere near making his debut. Officially, a full term pregnancy is considered to be 37-41 weeks, which is all fine and well, except that at 37 weeks, we started thinking it could be "any day now." This could drive a person crazy! Every little pain, every makes you think...could this be it? So, far, it hasn't been it. Carter is pretty cozy in the womb and may never come out! And, scientifically, other than pitocin, there really is no way to get labor started.

But, just for fun (and to give us something to do while we wait!), we have decided to try every old wives tale that we can find for starting labor. So far these have included:

Walking-we do this every night anyway, but now we walk with meaning!
Swinging-Fun, but unproductive
Eating Spicy Food-I've tried, but I don't do spicy very well, so it has been minimal
Talking to the baby-Not sure how this one's supposed to work, but we've done it!
Consumption of Tropical Fruits-Mmmmm....Pineapple mango smoothie!
Massaging the Achilies tendon-yep, for real...didn't work!
Having a spa day-meant to relax the mommy...didn't work, but sure was fun!
Various methods of "Stimulation"-This is a PG blog, so I'm not going to elaborate, but let's just say that's not working either! At least Jared's enjoying it!

So, needless to say, none of these things have done the trick. One thing that is highly recommended is drinking castor oil, but it also comes with violent diarrhea and upset stomach. So, I'm gonna pass on that one! Let me know if you've got any other ideas that I should try!