Anyway, it has actually been almost 3 weeks since all of our personal belongings vacated our apartment in Smyrna. I don't want to miss the opportunity to say what a blessing our small group was to us. We rented a 26 foot Penske truck thinking that we would have plenty of room to pack up our small, 2nd floor apartent. Well, 16 people and 1 hour and fifteen minutes later, the Penske was packed full from floor to ceiling and our official "move out" was complete. WOW!
Thanks to Alison's genius, we simply formed an assembly line from the apartment to the truck. This worked great for all of the small stuff!
I just think this picture of my dad is hilarious! We all had to stop and laugh when we saw my dad standing there holding a pot of tulips and my other decorative branch thingy. It was quite funny!
Then there was the wok. The funny thing about the wok is that we had meant to pack it in a box for almost 3 weeks, but kept forgetting. In our small apt., the best place to store the wok was overtop of the kitchen cabinets...and there it stayed. We gave Dixie the assignment of making sure it got on the truck. And, lo and behold, the wok finally got loaded. It was the LAST thing to go on the truck. Sara had the honor of delivering the wok to the Penske.
Mom had a small surgical procedure the day before we moved, so she was unable to lift anything. So, she was put on Norah duty...a duty I know she was glad to have. She and Norah seemed to hit it off quite nicely!
Let me just say that if you are not in a small group, then you should definitely consider finding one! I'll admit, at first Jared and I were skeptical about the whole small group thing. But, a year ago, when Brad and Alison asked us to be the first members of their small group, Jared and I decided to give it a try. And I can honestly say...we are so thankful! Not just because we had an army of people to help us move, but because we had a group of people to live our lives with. People who became some of our best friends.
That's enough of the Small Group plug...I just thought I'd let you know what you're missing out on!