Well, it's been a VERY busy couple of months and I figure it's time to catch you up on our lives. Sweet little Elli is 5 months old today. She has rolled over a couple of times but has decided to protest any further rolling for now. She likes cereal and peas, but LOVES pear juice. But most of all, she loves her Aunt Katie and can't stand to be away from her (or is it the other way around?). Elli got to come to Kentucky for her first visit at the end of February. Low and Behold she got to see her first snow. She didn't much care for being in the cold, but she was a trooper all weekend!
Other than missing Elli, we have been pretty busy doing lots of things. Jared managed to finish 6 course hours over Christmas break and is about 1/2 way through his fourth semester of Seminary. Oh how we long for Jared to be through with school! Things at our church have been going well. God seems to really be working in the families in our church as we see parents who are stepping out and spiritually leading their children...some of them for the first time ever. It truly is a blessing.
Jared and I will be going to Honduras this summer to minister to a small, impoverished village outside of San Pedro. We are very excited to go on this adventure together and look forward to seeing how we work together as a missions team. We are, however, poor seminary students who can't really afford to go out to eat, let alone go out of the country. So, if you would like to contribute to this ministry, please email me at kgnorris@gmail.com and I will tell you how you can support us financially (and tax deductibly).
I am working two jobs these days and enjoying them both very well. Jared is working hard at church and hard at school, so I guess technically he has two jobs, too. We are both loving our house and can't wait until summer comes so we can work in the yard and make the outside as beautiful as the inside.
Well, as boring as this update is, that's all I've got for you. We really are just "Busy" people...nothing too exciting happening here. Oh yeah, I'm a brunette now!
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