Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Greaser Babies and My Baby!

Well, it's been awhile since my last post and the reason for that is simple: my life is boring! I could have bored you with a few more posts about how I love where I live, but I desperately miss my friends and family back home. But, instead, I chose to post the link to this ridiculous video of babies singing songs from Grease. I thought it was absolutely hilarious! But, I also work with kids all the time, so maybe that may be why I thought it was so funny.

So, if you have nothing better to do, you can go to this link and watch the video.

Also, if you think about my baby (I should probably Clarify that I'm talking about Jared so that no rumors get started) this week, say a little prayer. Yesterday he started his D-Term, which is basically a 1 week accelerated class. So, he has class everyday from 8-5 and then he's done. The Up-Side is that at the end of the week he has 3 credit hours. The Down side is that he had a 12 page paper due the first day of class, he has to take a quiz every night and a final at the end of the week, and he has 20 page paper due 2 weeks after the class is over...not to mention the 5 or 6 books he had to read. So, there's a lot of work involved. On top of that, he is taking a J-Term, which is basically the same thing all over again in January. So, instead of taking advantage of his much needed Christmas break, he is knocking out 2 classes in 2 weeks...and he's doing it for our family. He knows how badly I want him to be done with school and he is literally working his tale off to get it done. What an amazing man!

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