Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What a Gift!

So, let me tell you a little story...
A couple of weeks ago, a good friend of ours (Kent Shingleton) was speaking at a church here in the Nashville area. His assignment was to do a morning worship service and an evening worship service. So, during the morning service, Kent talked about the mission trip his whole family (he, his wife and 3 kids) had just gotten back from in Brazil. He talked about trying to raise so much money for his whole family to go. Well, later that night when he went back to the church, the part-time youth minister's wife came up to Shawnah and said that she wished she had known Kent and Shawnah sooner because her husband, who does real estate as his other job, just got a bonus that they were wanting to give to some type of mission project. But, since she was too late to give them money for Brazil, she asked if Kent and Shawnah knew of any couples that were going to seminary this fall. a matter of fact, Shawnah said, we do. So, to make a long story short, Jared and I got a check for just over $2,000 in the mail yesterday from 2 people we have never met that just have a heart for ministry and that wanted to use their financial blessings to bless the hearts (and pocketbooks) of a young married couple who are learning to trust God for everything they need. So, let me just encourage you...God supplies everything we need if we only trust Him to do so. Much thanks to Kent and Shawnah as well as the couple who sent us the money...If they only knew what they have done for us! Oh, and by the way...guess how much Jared's tuition for his first semester of seminary is. Just over $2,000.

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