Okay...I have one more story for you today. As most of you know, I only have about 1 and a half more weeks here at TBC. So, in the good ole fashion of "Katie-ness," it was about time for me to do something really dumb. So, as I ran out to my car in the somewhat pouring rain yesterday afternoon, I remembered that I had cracked my windows at lunch time before I came in from the very bright and NOT AT ALL CLOUDY outdoors. When I got in my car I discovered that my brand new Dee Henderson book was soaked. I know what you're thinking...that's not
so dumb. Well, the story continues. Once I was done drying off my book, I started to pull out of my parking spot. So, I am backing up with my foot on the break, looking over my shoulder like the good, safe driver that I am, when all of the sudden I felt this huge jolt and heard a loud, not-so-pleasant noise. I pulled my car back into the spot and looked behind me where I saw...nothing. The thought running through my head: "
Oh my gosh, I just hit a person." So, I jumped out of my car and ran around to the back of it only to find...nothing. As I am crouched down on the ground trying to figure out what in the heck I had just hit, a car a few yards down the parking lot began to back up to where I was. Apparently, his car was what the unidentified object that I had hit. Oops. The sad thing is, it was a pretty large car...something along the lines of a Buick or a Lincoln TownCar...and I never saw it! I don't know if it was the rain, a blindspot, or the incredibly fast rate at which this man is known for driving through our parking lot, but I totally hit a HUGE car and never even saw it. Wow. That's embarassing. Luckily, he didn't want to call the police or file a report or anything like that. So, other than a sore back, two sore wrists, and a badly beaten ego, I think I'll survive. I will try to post a picture of my scratched up bumper later.