Friday, January 22, 2010
Oh My, Maternity Clothes Already!
Anyway, I've digressed! The whole point of this post is the transformation I went through this morning thanks to a cute maternity shirt Jared's aunt got me for Christmas. I decided to wear a pair of black dress pants that have elastic in the waste to work so that I would have a little more "give" when I sat down. I happened upon this really cute black and grey striped maternity shirt that Jared's Aunt Jan got for me. I put it on and all of the sudden, I actually looked pregnant. Oh the freedom it brings to "look" pregnant and not just "feel" bloated all of the time!
I had been really hesitant to put any maternity clothes on because I didn't want people think I was trying too hard to look pregnant. But while reading my pregnancy book last night, the tip for week 15 was to go ahead and start wearing maternity clothes now. They mentioned that a lot of women just wear baggy things or things that are too tight for the same reason I was just sucking it in as best I could. Their suggestion was to just go for it. That not only would you look better, but you would feel better because maternity clothes are made for the changes your body is experiencing. So, today, I bit the bullet. For awhile me and Jared just laughed at the suddenly pregnant woman I saw in the mirror. But I have to admit, I feel great. It really is nice to be able to breathe again...I highly recommend it! Looks like I need to do some shopping for more maternity clothes!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
14 Weeks Today (It's Official!)
Well, we went to the doctor yesterday and got to hear the baby's heart beat. We thought that was so exciting, of course. But then, due to the fact that I am very irregular in my cycle, our doctor ordered an ultra sound for today to help us determine a more accurate due date. Apparentally, the month of our pregnancy was the one time my cycle was 28 days, because we are exactly 14 weeks today, as was originally predicted.
Our little one was quite active...we got to see him/her jump up and down a few times. The way it was squirming made me think that our baby may have my chlosterphobic tendancies and is not quite happy with its current living situation...thus all the jumping. I guess I'll be "in for it" once I can actually feel the baby wiggling.
Anyway, here are a few of the profile shots we got. So sweet! We will know the sex of the baby after our visit in February!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Body Pillow Wars!
So, I always knew that when I got pregnant I wouldn't be able to sleep on my stomach. Being a stomach sleeper, this had always worried me, but I figured I would be SOOOO tired that it wouldn't matter. Well now, in all of the wonderful books I've read, I have learned that not only am I NOT allowed to sleep on my stomach, but I also CAN'T sleep on my back or my right side. Seriously? So, if you're good at math then you are realizing with me that that only leaves the Left side. So, I tried to sleep on my Left side and was waking up with terrible back pain and pain in my knees. Since the baby is only about the size of an apple right now, I thought it was doubtful the he/she was causing me the pain. So, upon the advise of some seasoned mothers, I purchased a body pillow. Now, Jared refused to switch sides of the bed with me, so that means we now sleep with a body pillow between us. This has caused a huge problem, but not for the reasons you are suspecting.
Only being married for 3 years, we are still major snugglers (awwww). So, I thought putting a pillow between us would be a hard adjustment because we can't snuggle anymore. But it turns out that the biggest adjustment has been sharing the body pillow. It seems that not only have we both gotten used to the pillow, but we both LOVE the body pillow. I woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago and Jared had the whole body pillow and was snuggled up like he was the one that had a medical reason for sleeping with it. We both agree that it's the perfect snuggler because it keeps you warm, but doesn't make you sweat. And, it doesn't breathe in your face. So, anyway, we are adjusting. Now I just jerk the pillow from his arms and reclaim it as my own :)
Doctor's appointment tomorrow...we get to hear the heartbeat and make sure there's actually something in there!!!